Mireille van Poppel is part of an IOC expert group with the task to review the literature on physical activity and exercise (1) during pregnancy and (2) after childbirth, using rigorous systematic review and search criteria. Recently their first guideline on exercise during pregnancy was published.
Read MoreChildren’s route choice during active transportation to school: differences between shortest and actual route
The ink on this one is still wet. Dirk Dessing and his SchoolZones team just published this study that aimed to increase our understanding of environmental correlates associated with route choice during active transportation to school (ATS). They compared characteristics of actual walking and cycling routes between home and school with the shortest possible route to school.
Read MoreInteractive app based injury prevention programs - same compliance but more effective?
E-health has the potential to facilitate implementation of effective measures to prevent sports injuries. This article form the study of Miriam van Reijen evaluated whether an interactive mobile application containing a proven effective exercise programme to prevent recurrent ankle sprains resulted in higher compliance as compared with regular written exercise materials.
Read MoreKick Off Symposium ACHSS IOC Research Center
Met plezier kondigen we de feestelijke viering aan van de accreditatie van de Amsterdam Collaboration for Health and Safety in Sports (ACHSS) door het Internationale Olympische Comité (IOC). ACHSS is ontstaan vanuit een samenwerking tussen de afdelingen Sociale Geneeskunde van het VUmc en Orthopedie van het AMC, waarbij de preventie en behandeling van sportletsels bij Olympische atleten in breedste zin het uitgangspunt is. Onder treft u het programma van deze dag. Wat ons betreft een mooie mix van internationale, nationale en lokale verhalen over het bevorderen en beschermen van de gezondheid van atleten. Het doet ons genoegen om te kunnen delen dat professor Lars Engebretsen, hoofd van het IOC medisch onderzoek, ons deze middag zal vergezellen. Wij kijken er in ieder geval al reikhalzend naar uit en hopen deze middag samen met u een mooie officiële aftrap te kunnen geven van deze vruchtbare samenwerking tussen VUmc en AMC.
Read MoreCall for abstracts: Science and Engineering Conference on Sports Innovations
On Friday the 8th of April, the Amsterdam Institute of Sport Science (AISS) will be teaming up with the TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute to organise the Science and Engineering Conference on Sports Innovations (SECSI). The aim of the conference is to bring together scientific research with respect to sport and sport innovation. Unlike the title suggests, the conference is not limited to Engineering, but deals with sports and innovations in the broadest sense.
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