We are happy to have been part of this one .. an update of the widely adopted and employed Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center Overuse Injury Questionnaire (OSTRC-O). A monitoring tool that provides the backbone for many of our studies .. improved and stronger than before!
In 2013, OSTRC-O was developed to record the magnitude, symptoms and consequences of overuse injuries in sport. Shortly afterwards, a modified version of the OSTRC-O was developed to capture all types of injuries and illnesses—The Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center Questionnaire on Health Problems (OSTRC-H). Since then, users from a range of research and clinical environments have identified areas in which these questionnaires may be improved. Therefore, the structure and content of the questionnaires was reviewed by an international panel consisting of the original developers, other user groups and experts in sports epidemiology and applied statistical methodology. Following a review panel meeting in October 2017, several changes were made to the questionnaires, including minor wording alterations, changes to the content of one question and the addition of questionnaire logic. In this paper, we present the updated versions of the questionnaires (OSTRC-O2 and OSTRC-H2), assess the likely impact of the updates on future data collection and discuss practical issues related to application of the questionnaires. We believe this update will improve respondent adherence and improve the quality of collected data.
This manuscript proposes specific changes to the wording, structure and logic of the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center (OSTRC) questionnaires and discusses the likely impact of the proposed changes on collected data ..
Updated versions of the questionnaires (OSTRC-O2 and OSTRC-H2) are provided.
A range of general issues related to questionnaire use, outcome measures, analysis methods and implementation success are discussed, alongside areas needing further research.
Clarsen, B., et al. (2020). "Improved reporting of overuse injuries and health problems in sport: an update of the Oslo Sport Trauma Research Center questionnaires." Br J Sports Med.