
A qualitative case study of the awareness, uptake and relevance of the IOC consensus statements

This study just appeared online in the renowned British Journal of Sports Medicine. In this study, Evert Verhagen and Caroline Bolling collaborated with our Australian, South African and Canadian IOC Research Centres colleagues. This study explored the policy and practice impact of the IOC Consensus Statements on athlete health and medical team management in two economically and contextually diverse countries.

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Athletes, coaches and physiotherapists share their perspectives on injury prevention in elite sports

Hot off the press comes this publication by our own Caroline Bolling. Proud to say her qualitative work has created waves and found its way to the British Journal of Sports Medici e. This particular study explored how sports injury prevention takes place in elite sport practice and to describe the perspectives of athletes, coaches and physiotherapists regarding the most critical factors that help prevent injury in the elite sports context.

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What if we ask them? How elite athletes, coaches and physio's perceive an injury.

What if we ask them? How elite athletes, coaches and physio's perceive an injury.

Injury definition is a relevant topic in sports injury prevention, however we don't know if the theoretical sports injury definitions current applied in literature also align with the perspectives of the main stakeholders in an elite sports setting. What if we ask them?  That was the aim of the study: to explore how athletes, coaches, and physiotherapists define a sports injury, and how the elite sport context influences their perception of injury.

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