Understanding the Managers’ perceptions of the Sports Organizations in monitoring the health and performance departments


Sports organizations have transformed into highly structured organizations to serve elite athletes. Health & performance teams in elite sports have become essential to increase the quantity and quality offered in sports science and health care.  These teams have an important role in the athletes’ performances but don’t have a way to measure such teams' impact on sports performance and health. The problem is the lack of management tools to measure the results and align these results with the strategic planning of the sports organization. That is why it is necessary to understand more about the context of the health and performance department in sports organizations. This is important to develop strategies that fit the context of managing the health and performance teams. 


This project explores the contemporary context of health and performance management in sports organizations. Based on the narratives of the management leaders, this project aims to explore the role of the medical department in the bigger organization. The main objective will be to understand the Sports organizations’ managers (high-level managers and H&P department managers) about the management of the Health and Performance departments and the importance of incorporating management tools into strategic performance.