IPPON: Injury prevention and performance optimisation in judo athletes


  • The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw)


  • Judobond Nederland

  • Sportmedisch adviescentrum Jessica Gal Sportartsen

  • VeiligheidNL


With a top-3 position on the priority list of sports with the highest incidence rate of injuries (4.3 per 1,000 hours) and top-5 position on both absolute number of injuries (180,000) and injuries presenting at the emergency department (4,400) in the Netherlands, combat sports should be a priority for injury prevention interventions.

For judo, the most practiced combat sports, a specific prevention program based on existing proven effective exercises has been developed by experts who are both strongly embedded in judo practice, and world leading experts in judo research: the Judo 9+. Although sport-specific neuromuscular training programs have been shown to effectively reduce injury rates in various sports, the effectiveness and implementation of the judo 9+ program has not been studied yet.


1. Translation of the Judo 9+ exercise programme to the Dutch recreational judo practice: the NL-Judo9+

2. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the NL-Judo9+ exercise programme on injury risk profiles and injury rates

3. Preparation for national implementation of the NL-Judo9+ in recreational judo (if proven effective).