Who Stays Fit?



  • NWO Comenius


  • Codarts Rotterdam

  • Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences


Sport injuries are one of the main causes of poor physical performance and physical discomfort in sport active populations. Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) students are sport active population who are, as part of their education and besides their own sport participation, confronted with curricular sport participation of approximately eleven hours a week in six different sports. Due to this high amount and variety of additional sport participations PETE students have a relative high sport incidence. Therefore this population is very suitable for research on the etiology of sport injuries and provides need for the development and implementation of preventive interventions. The main goal of the ‘Who stays fit’ project is to increase insight in the incidence and etiology of sport injuries of PETE students. Within this project we research the incidence of sport injuries, risk factors of medial tibial stress syndrome, risk factors of ankle injuries, psychological risk factors of injuries, injury mechanisms, and the prevention of sport injuries.