Simonè Ferreira (1990) is a registered Biokineticist and lecturer at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), South Africa. She sits on the Undergraduate Research Ethics Committee (UREC) and the Quality Assurance Committee for clinical practice at the UJ, and she is the programme coordinator for the Biokinetics qualification.
Her main research topics are: 1. Prevention of sports injuries, specifically rugby and long-distance running, and 2) Gamification (4IR) in the Health and Rehabilitation setting, with specific focus on the training of students using gamification and 4IR to supplement traditional pedagogies. She supervises several Master’s projects across these fields, as well as orthopaedic assessment and rehabilitation techniques. Within the Department of Sport and Movement Studies at UJ, she teaches mainly the senior Biokinetic students, as well as the students in the Higher Certificate of Sports Coaching and Exercise Science.
If you want to know more about her research and publications, it might be worth to check out her Orchid ( profile.